LDS Scoutmaster Training Course 2: The Patrol Method
Online Training for Scoutmasters serving in LDS chartered units - Part 2
This is second of six of the online LDS Scoutmaster Trainings designed to guide you through your first several weeks and on to a successful and fulfilling time as an influential mentor of young men.
NOTE: This course covers the majority of the learning objectives covered in the BSA National approved Scoutmaster position-specific training course, but does not replace it. This course is designed for LDS Scoutmasters to teach elements of Scouting in the LDS Church that may not be explained in the National training. Consult your ward, stake, district or council for instructions on how to get trained.
Utah National Parks Council
Aims and Methods
What is a Patrol?
How to Have a Quorum Presidency/Scouting Meeting
Pillar 2 - Service
Why Scouting Matters: Pillar 2 - Service
Session 2 Quiz